Tips for giving your dog eye drops

At some point in your dog’s life, you may have to treat an eye problem with eye drops. According to Petsure’s claims data 2022, conditions like conjunctivitis are among the most common eye problems your dog is likely to face. The average claim cost for conjunctivitis according to PetSure’s claim data 2022 is $177 and the highest claim amount is $2,333. In most cases, prescription eye drops are an easy remedy for this condition. While your vet’s steady hand makes applying drops look simple, be warned: the reality is a little trickier.

FAQs: How to give eye drops to your dog – what you need to know

Is there an easy way to give your dog eye drops?

Your dog’s eyes are sensitive and the prospect of applying drops can seem a little daunting. Start by lifting your dog’s head so its nose is pointing up (towards the ceiling). Then use one hand to lower the lid and the other to apply the eye drops, dropping the eye drop solution in the eye from a couple of centimetres above. Always allow your dog to blink after administering.

When should you take your dog to the vet for an eye problem?

If your dog shows symptoms indicating a problem with their eyes, contact your vet to discuss. While your dog may be suffering from a common eye condition, a vet will diagnose your dog and prescribe suitable medication.  Please bear in mind that some eye conditions can deteriorate quickly, therefore it is best to have your dog sooner than later.

What type of eye problems can affect dogs?

The top eye problems affecting dogs include:
·         Conjunctivitis
·         Eye inflammation
·         Abrasions of the cornea
·         Corneal ulcers
·         Glaucoma
·         Keratoconjunctivis Sicca (also known as dry eye)


How to give your dog eye drops

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