The 10 most popular cat breeds in 2022, according to PetSure policy data
When it comes to cat breed, pet parents tend to have strong views about what they believe is the best breed. To understand the most popular feline breeds in Australia, and which ones made the top 10 list, we crunched the numbers from our 2022 PetSure policy data.
We also turned to PetSure’s resident Veterinary Advisors to create a snapshot of the key characteristics, facts and insights of popular cat breeds.
Fabulous Felines: the top 10 most popular breeds
1. Domestic Shorthair
Coming in first place is the Domestic Shorthair. Best suited for families and the elderly, the Domestic Shorthair is a great companion animal suited to apartment living.
With a soft and short coat, the Domestic Shorthair requires minimal grooming.
According to 2022 PetSure data, Domestic Shorthairs are prone to gastrointestinal conditions including omitting, gastritis and diarrhea.
Fun fact – a ginger tabby Domestic Shorthair cat called Orangey is the only cat that’s won two Patsy awards (which is the animal equivalent of an Oscar). He won his first Pasty for his role in a 1951 film Rhubarb and his second for his acting part in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
2. Ragdoll
The relaxed and friendly blue-eyed Ragdoll is one of Australia’s most popular cat breeds, which make for a great pet for families or the elderly. With a medium to long coat, the Ragdoll requires frequent brushing.
Common health conditions experienced by the Ragdoll are gastrointestinal conditions like diarrhea, gastritis and vomiting.
3. British Shorthair
In third place is the British Shorthair. While they are described as being easy-going and friendly, the British Shorthair doesn’t like to be picked up so they may be better suited to households without young children.
With a short and dense coat, the British Shorthair sheds so regular brushing is recommended. Check out our British Shorthair breed guide for more insights.
Based on 2022 PetSure policy data, the British Shorthair may be prone to gastrointestinal conditions including Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), gastritis and diarrhea.
Fun fact – did you know the original illustrations of the Cheshire Cat in the Alice in Wonderland book were inspired by a British Shorthair cat?
4. Maine Coon
The Maine Coon has a playful and affectionate temperament, and are suited for apartment living. WIth a long coat, they do require maintenance where daily brushing is recommended.
Common health conditions experienced by the Maine Coon include gastrointestinal conditions like diarrhea, gastritis and gastroenteritis.
5. Burmese
Rounding out the top five popular cat breeds is the Burmese. Affectionate and friendly, the Burmese is suited for cat-loving households that have the time to provide them with company and attention. With a soft and short coat, minimal grooming is needed for the Burmese cat.
PetSure data shows common health conditions for the Burmese include urinary tract disease, including kidney failure and feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD).
6. Bengal
The playful, outgoing and affectionate Bengal made it to PetSure’s 2022 most popular cat breeds list. With a soft and short coat, minimal grooming is needed which makes them a great pet for those looking for a low maintenance breed.
The Bengal may be prone to gastrointestinal conditions like diarrhea, gastritis and vomiting.
Interesting fact – did you know that the ancestor of the Bengal, the Asian Leopard cat, is on the US Endangered Species list?
7. Russian Blue
The intelligent, sensitive and reserved Russian Blue came in seventh place. The Russian Blue is a great companion animal for quiet cat-loving households, so they may be better suited for families with older kids or for the elderly.
Similar to other feline breeds, the Russian Blue often experiences gastrointestinal conditions like gastritis, vomiting and diarrhea.
8. Sphynx
The sociable and playful Sphynx is one of Australia’s most popular cat beads. With their distinct hairless, or very fine hair, they may appear to be low maintenance but their skin folds still require regular maintenance and observation. See our Sphynx breed profile for more insights.
The top health conditions in 2022 for the Sphynx was heart disease, including cardiomyopathy and heart failure.
Fun fact – did you know the genetic mutation that results in the Sphynx’s hairless appearance occurs in the same gene that leads to the Devon Rex’s curly coat?
9. Siberian
The Siberian came in ninth place for the top 10 most popular cat breeds. They have a friendly temperament and enjoy company so they are suited to a cat-loving household with a pet parent who can give them plenty of quality time. With a dense and medium-long coat, they regularly shed and require frequent brushing to keep their coat in tip top shape.
The Siberian cat is prone to gastrointestinal conditions.
10. Devon Rex
Rounding out the top ten popular cat breeds is the Devon Rex. Described as active and people-orientated, they are suited to households and pet parents that can give them plenty of attention. With a curly and short coat, the Devon Rex requires minimal grooming.
Based on PetSure data, the top health condition in 2022 for the Devon Rex is hypersensitivity (allergic) skin disorder.
Fun fact – the word “rex” refers to unusually curly hair.
So whether you’re an existing pet parent or you’re looking to purchase a new four-legged friend, researching a cat’s breed-specific temperament, characteristics and health conditions is an important part of being a responsible pet parent.
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