This video will teach your cat how to use a scratching post—a furniture-saving, claw-maintaining and territory-marking essential. We’ll show you how to guide your cat towards scratch-tastic success!

Cats have a natural scratching instinct and providing a suitable scratching post redirects their behaviour from your furniture.

Our vet Dr Suzanne will discuss simple techniques like treats, catnip and interactive play to make the scratching post irresistible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to teach my cat to use a scratching post?

Teaching your cat to use a scratching post is essential for many reasons. It helps redirect their natural scratching behaviour away from furniture and other inappropriate surfaces. It also allows them to stretch their muscles, maintain their claws and mark their territory in a cat-friendly way.

How do I choose the right scratching post for my cat?

When selecting a scratching post, consider your cat’s preferences. Look for a sturdy post with a texture that appeals to them, such as sisal, carpet or cardboard. The post should be sturdy and tall enough for your cat to fully stretch their body while scratching. Experiment with different types of posts to find the one that your cat enjoys the most.

How do I introduce the scratching post to my cat?

Start by placing the scratching post in a prominent and accessible location. Encourage your cat to investigate it by using toys, treats or catnip. Whenever you catch your cat scratching furniture or inappropriate surfaces, gently redirect them to the scratching post. Praise and reward them when they use the post, reinforcing positive behaviour.

What if my cat ignores the scratching post?

If your cat initially ignores the scratching post, try making it more enticing. Rubbing catnip on the post or using interactive toys nearby can grab their attention. You can also try different types of scratching posts, such as vertical or horizontal ones, to see what your cat prefers. You can even introduce the scratching pole by bringing your cat to the pole, squeeze their claws out and hook it onto the scratching pole, once they had a feel of pulling something with their claws, they will go back for more! Patience and persistence are key, as some cats may take time to adjust to the new behaviour.

How can I discourage my cat from scratching furniture

To discourage your cat from scratching furniture, make it less appealing while providing attractive alternatives. Cover furniture with double-sided tape, aluminium foil, or plastic wrap to deter scratching. Place the scratching post near the furniture they usually target and make it more enticing. Regularly trim your cat’s nails to reduce the damage caused by scratching.

Can I train an older cat to use a scratching post?

Yes, older cats can be trained to use a scratching post too. Follow the same steps as you would with a younger cat, gradually introducing and encouraging them to use the post. Older cats may take more time to adjust to the new behaviour, so be patient and provide positive reinforcement.
Remember, each cat is unique, so it’s important to observe and understand their preferences. With consistent training, patience and positive reinforcement, you can successfully teach your cat to use a scratching post and preserve your furniture.

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