In Australia, torrential rains and floods are not uncommon occurrences, especially in regions like New South Wales and Queensland.  

When faced with flood warnings and heavy rains, ensuring the safety of your pet is a top priority. To assist you in safeguarding your pets when faced with severe weather warnings, we’ve put together a flood safety guide: 

Before the Flood: 

When faced with weather warnings, preparation is important.  

Ensure Proper Identification: 

Pets should have identification tags with updated contact information and be microchipped and registered on the relevant database for easy reunification during flood separation. 

It’s important to note that each state in Australia has different legislation regarding the microchipping and registration of cats and dogs. In NSW they must be microchipped by 12 weeks (about 3 months) of age and registered in the NSW pet registry by six months of age. Contact your own local council or government department to find out the law where you live. It could be the difference between being reunited with a lost pet or never seeing them again.  

Ensure heartworm disease preventatives: 

Heavy downpours and rainfall can pose significant pet health risks such as the contracting of heartworm disease, due to the concurrent rise in mosquito populations. Maintaining your pet’s annual heartworm prevention injection or monthly preventative medication is essential to reducing the risk of your pet contracting heartworm disease.  

Store Pet Supplies Securely: 

Stock up on safe drinking water, pet food, pet medications, bowls, bedding and other essentials. Make sure to keep everything in waterproof containers and in a safe location. 

Plan your Escape Route: 

Identify a safe evacuation route for your pets, collaborating with neighbours and authorities as appropriate. Also identify the local emergency assembly point for your community. 

During the Flood: 

Your actions during a flood can significantly impact your pets’ safety. Here’s what to do: 

Bring Pets Indoors: 

Keep pets indoors well before floodwaters arrive to prevent them from getting lost or injured if they attempt to escape. 

Prepare Pet Carriers: 

Ensure pet carriers are readily accessible and in good condition for safe evacuation if necessary. 

Sanitary Preparations: 

Set up disposal bags and bins for pet waste to maintain sanitary conditions indoors. 

Create a Comfortable Environment: 

Provide a calm and familiar environment for pets to reduce stress during flooding. 

Separate Animals: 

Consider separating pets to prevent conflicts and minimise stress. 

Pet-Proof Safe Areas: 

Ensure refuge areas are pet-proofed by removing hazards and toxic substances to keep pets safe. 

After the Flood: 

Once floodwaters recede, follow these steps to ensure your pets’ safety: 

Inspect the Area: 

Check your home for hazards, debris, toxins and contamination before allowing pets back outside. 

Report Missing Pets: 

Notify emergency services promptly if a pet goes missing during the flood for search and recovery assistance. 

Seek Veterinary Care: 

Schedule a veterinary check-up for your pet, even if they appear unharmed, to address any potential health concerns. 

PetSure’s Response to Extreme Weather Events: 

In response to extreme weather events such as flooding, PetSure is taking proactive measures to assist pet owners

Coverage for pet health complications arising from extreme weather events will be provided regardless of policy type or coverage level. 

Emergency boarding costs related to displaced or evacuated pets will be covered up to the policy annual benefit limit, without applying the emergency boarding sub-limit, from 13 December 2023 to 13 June 2024. 

Waiting periods for weather-related pet health complications will be waived. 

Pre-existing conditions directly worsened by extreme weather events will be eligible for coverage under PetSure’s ex-gratia initiative, even if not covered by the existing policy. However, claims for such conditions will revert to being treated as pre-existing after the weather event. 

By following these guidelines and availing of PetSure’s supportive initiatives, pet owners can help to ensure the safety and well-being of their furry companions during torrential rains and floods.  

Preparation, quick action, and access to comprehensive pet insurance coverage can be essential elements in protecting pets from the adverse effects of extreme weather events. 


PetSure 2021, PetSure, PetSure, viewed 8 April 2024, <>. 

‌ n.d., Preparing for extreme weather events, and extended cover for insured customers,,, viewed 8 April 2024, <>. 

PetSure 2023, PetSure,, PetSure, viewed 8 April 2024, <>. 

RSPCA New South Wales 2022, Flooding Safety Guide, in RSPCA Australia (ed.), RSPCA New South Wales, RSPCA New South Wales, viewed 8 April 2024, <>. 

NSW Government 2022, Emergency animal welfare support hotline activated for flood-affected communities, NSW Government, NSW Government, viewed 8 April 2024, <>. 

‌Heartworm prevention for your dog n.d.,, Greencross Vets, viewed 7 May 2024, <>. 

Heartworm Signs, Treatment and Prevention 2024,, Greencross Vets, viewed 7 May 2024, <>. 

‌PetCoach n.d., Grass Seeds and Awns in Dogs,, PetCoach, viewed 8 May 2024, <

Pet insurance can help by covering a portion of the eligible vet bill if the unexpected happens. Because it is difficult to predict the costs of veterinary care, it can help to have measures in place to help prepare for the unexpected. Check out our partner network and explore our policy tools to find a pet insurance policy.

Not all conditions or items are covered by Pet Insurance. Refer to the applicable Product Disclosure Statement for information about coverage and exclusions.